Frequently Asked Questions

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By creating an account, you'll gain the ability to connect with financial advisors, join a community of money savvy consumers, view all of the reviews on the site, bookmark your favorite advisors, write reviews, keep track of your messages, and gain eligibility to win monthly prizes.

Click the "Sign Up" button in the navigation and a pop-up window will appear. Use your email, Facebook account or Google account to create a profile. If you choose to sign up using your email address, you must also create a display name and password. Click "Join Advisorsavvy" and you are all set.

Visit the Forgot Your Password? page, enter your email address, and click the "Reset Password" button. Advisorsavvy will send you an email with simple instructions to make a new one. If you don't receive the email right away, check back in a few minutes or check your junk/spam folder.

To send a message to an advisor, please visit their listing on and click the "Message" button below the advisor's name or using the buttons on the right side of the page. From here, you will be able to reach the advisor via email through Advisorsavvy' internal messaging system.

If you would like a review a advisor that isn't yet listed on Advisorsavvy, first log in, then click the "Review A New Advisor" link on the Write A Review page or go directly to this page. The advisor's name, their postal code, their category of work and phone number are all required information. You may also add an email address to assist with the verification process Advisorsavvy takes when adding new advisors. It can take up to 24 hours to add a new advisor.

At Advisorsavvy, we take your safety seriously. When you see a profile with an Advisorsavvy Verified badge, you can rest assured knowing you're working with the most trustworthy advisors.

Earning an Advisorsavvy Verified badge means that a service professional has passed our screening process, which includes:

  1. Criminal background
  2. Insider Trading (SEDI)
  3. Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs and HIOs)
  4. Sanctions (sanctioned countries & terrorist lists)
  5. Cease Trade Orders (CTOs)
  6. Regulatory (NRD & CFP)
  7. Adverse Media


To write a review, click the "Write A Review" button in the top navigation or in the blue button link provided from a advisor's listing.

If you are not coming directly from an advisor's listing page, type the name of the advisor you want to review in the search bar. If the advisor is not listed, please see the "How do I add an advisor" FAQ on this page.

You will be asked to provide a star rating (out of 5) for both satisfaction with the advisor's work and your likeliness to recommend the advisor.

Once you have clicked the "Submit Review" button, you can expect it to be posted within 48 hours of its completion, given that it passes Review Guidelines.

Please see our Review Guidelines for more details.

Every single review on our site goes through a rigorous verification and screening process. Advisorsavvy starts by requiring valid credentials to ensure that all of our clients and their claims are legitimate. Submitted reviews are then run through a complex verification and screening process that uses numerous highly-technical fraud detection algorithms to remove submissions with suspicious activity. Then, a member of our Content Team reviews the submission to ensure that it has passed all of our requirements before it is published to an advisor’s listing.

Advisors are free to contest reviews that they think don't belong to them and those reviews are then re-evaluated. If they are from legitimate clients, they are maintained. Please see our Review Guidelines for more details.

To ensure the integrity of the content, all reviews are run through a rigorous verification and screening process. This process take up to 48 hours to complete. Once your review has completed this process, you will be notified.

Consumers are allowed to review a single advisor a maximum of three times ever and no more than once every six months. This is done to maintain the integrity of the content and ensure that a listing is not saturated by one homeowner. There is no limit on how many different advisors a consumer can review.

To edit your review, please log in to your Advisorsavvy account, click your profile picture in the navigation and proceed to the user dashboard. From there you will see the "Reviews" section, which has a list of all of your reviews. You can click "Edit Review" and make any changes you like.

Also, if you are logged in, you can also visit the listing of the advisor you made your review, find your review, and click the "Edit Review" button to make any changes you like.

Yes, all modifications of any review will be re-screened to ensure it passes our review criteria.

To delete a review, please send us an email at and Advisorsavvy will remove the review on your behalf. If you are being bullied or pressured to do so in any way, please let us know - Advisorsavvy takes the safety and privacy of our users very seriously and is committed to maintaining the integrity and quality of the content on our site. Advisorsavvy is working towards a solution that will allow users to modify and remove reviews through their dashboard that will capture that information.

There a number of possible reasons your review to not meet’s guidelines. See below to determine if your review can be edited for re-approval.

Reviews can be rejected for the following reasons:

  • Language: The review contains inappropriate language or personal attacks.
  • Length: Your review must be at least 30 words in length.
  • Advisor Initiated: The review has been written by the advisor themselves.
  • Relevance: The review was for a service that is not part of the home financial advisor category and is not considered relevant content for our users.
  • You, yourself have not hired the advisor but are writing a review on behalf of a friend or family member.
  • Other Advisors: The review mentions competitor's names or other advisor names.
  • Names: Your review contains full names (last names)
  • Litigation: If currently in litigation with an advisor regarding previous services. In this case we ask that you please wait until the litigation process is completed before submitting your review.

Since an agreement did not take place, there is no tangible way (i.e. an invoice) for a consumer or advisor to prove that an interaction occurred between the two. These reviews are not published on Advisorsavvy listings.

Writing a negative review benefits other users of the site by letting them know the issues you may have had with the advisor. A negative review also lets the advisor know when they have an unsatisfied customer. Advisors are able to respond to reviews so they can hopefully make the situation right. When you write a negative review, explain what you were unimpressed with and what you wish the advisor had done differently. Think about what you would have liked to know before hiring the advisor. As long as your negative review is truthful and does not defame, slander or personally attack the advisor or its employees, you should feel comfortable writing a negative review.

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