Advisorsavvy Blog

How to Ask for a Raise

A lot of people find it difficult or intimidating to ask their bosses for a pay raise. This is totally understandable given that you’re the one who’s in a vulnerable position! However, if your company doesn’t do regular, annual salary increases in line with inflation or performance, knowing how to ask for a raise is a big plus.If you’ve never done it before, it’s never too late to learn. According to Payscale reports, numerous workers have succeeded in asking their bosses for a raise, but only 70% of workers that asked received it. Asking for a raise that reflects your level of productivity is normal, but your approach determines the results you get. For this reason, it helps to approach the query with a well thought out strategy. Even though your boss has an idea of how productive you are at your job, you still need to present your case for getting a raise. Luckily, this article will guide you

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Average Cost of Living in Canada

Whether you’re a soon to be immigrant or resident, family or individual, it helps to understand the average cost of living in Canada. This nation is well known for being one of the best countries in the world to live in. However, there is a cost for this luxury, as you will see in this article. When it comes to affordability, Canada is moderately expensive. The average cost of living in Canada for a single person is $736 per month and for a family of four, $2,323. Luckily, this article will help you discover all you need to know about the overall cost of living in Canada. Continue reading to learn more! Note: All dollar amounts in this article are Canadian dollars, unless explicitly stated. What is the average living cost in Canada per year? A single person’s average living cost in Canada is approximately $45,000 per year while couples would need at least $50,000. It is generally assumed that

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How to Set Yourself Up for Financial Success

Have you been wondering how to set yourself up for financial success? Establishing good financial habits can set you up for a comfortable, stable life. However, it can take some time to figure everything out. Like any area you want to improve, you need to plan, implement, review, and re-plan. If you are curious about how to set yourself up for financial success, you are taking the first step. Becoming curious about your finances will allow you to find financial freedom. Continue reading to learn more! What is defined as financial success? Financial success can mean different things to different people. At its core, financial success is being able to have the relationship you want with money. Furthermore, it’s the ability to reach savings goals, spending goals, and investment goals. If you are wondering how to set yourself up for financial success, that is great. The first step is to figure out what financial success means to you. Remember, financial

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Understanding Debt Solutions in Canada

We know that even the thought of debt can bring on feelings of stress, emotional drain and fear. Debt is a single word what can overwhelm our overall well-being. If you are one of the many Canadians carrying debt, it is important to know you do not need to struggle alone. There are debt solutions available to help you regain control of your finances and work towards a debt-free life. You may be aware of some of the programs available to you, and others may be new to you. With any option, it is important to do your research and weigh the pros and cons of your choice. This might mean enlisting the help of a professional, like a Licensed Insolvency Trustee. These individuals can help you understand your rights when it comes to debt relief in Canada. Continue reading to learn more about the debt solutions available to you in Canada! Debt Consolidation Debt consolidation involves combining multiple debts

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How much tax is deducted from my pay?

Ever notice the giant number that proceeds the minus sign on your pay cheque? That’s your tax obligation — a bummer at first glance, but that deduction makes things easier for you come tax time.If you’re an independent contractor or self employed, you somehow have to compile your tax obligation when it’s time to file.You might wonder: how much tax is deducted from my pay? And how does that proportion line up with provincial and federal guidelines? Tax obligations are a common topic of conversation when you meet with a financial advisor.But if you want the Cole’s notes now, you’re in luck. We’ll walk you through the ins and outs of gross versus net pay, Canadian tax deductions, and by the end? You’ll know exactly how much tax is deducted from your pay. How do you calculate gross and net pay? Gross pay is your pay cheque amount before all deductions, while net pay is the amount after deductions. When

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Banking vs Financial Services: What’s the difference?

For individuals and small businesses to make important financial decisions, it is important to understand the major differentiating factors for banking vs financial services. Both terms are easily confused as they are often perceived as the same thing in the financial sector. While they are sometimes used interchangeably, they are quite distinct in terms of the type of services provided. Banking and finance represent different aspects of financial management and investments. As an overview, banking focuses on managing deposits, loans, and other financial services through the bank. While financial services focus on managing money, investments, and other resources. This article will provide you with more details on both services and how they differ from each other. Continue reading to learn more! What are banking and financial services? It’s no surprise that the matter of banking vs financial services are different sectors that should be elaborated on. Banking and financial services are collectively known as services that banks and non-financial institutions

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Bond ETF vs Stock ETF: Which is better?

The goal of most investors is to generate wealth and achieve a diversified, balanced portfolio. There are many investing tools to consider if you want to earn a steady return. One of the most common options is an exchange-traded fund, or ETFs for short.There are many types of ETFs on the market. Two types include bond ETFs and stock ETFs. But how do they differ and which is better in the bond ETF vs stock ETF debate? In this article, you will learn the basics of these two types of ETFs to build a better portfolio. Let’s find out how bond ETFs vs stock ETFs can impact your investment strategy. Bond ETF vs Stock ETF: What’s the difference? Exchange-traded funds are a bundle of assets and securities containing hundreds of investable assets like stocks and bonds. They each have different risk and return profiles.For this reason, investors should carefully consider their investment goals to help them decide between bond ETF

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Commission Fees in Canada: A Complete Guide

Especially in the fields of real estate, stocks, and sales, a commission fee is inevitable. It’s usually in the form of a certain percentage of the sales price. For investors, it can adversely affect the total cost and profit of investments. For instance, brokers often get a commission for every transaction, sometimes for the total value of the portfolio. But when we talk about real estate, the agent is paid a commission for facilitating the property transaction. These are just a tiny segment of what commission fees entail.Read on to learn all you need to know about a commission fees in Canada! What is a commission fee? A commission fee is a service charge or fee paid to a person or entity to compensate them for offering a service.Examples of these services include completing sales transactions and offering advice to clients. The commissions are usually paid to brokers, agents, salespeople, and the like. To explain further, let’s take a look

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5 Best US ETFs in Canada

What’s all the buzz with ETFs? For starters, these investment vessels have seen a record asset investment value in 2023: $10.32 trillion dollars.Reinvested dividends, diversification potential, and liquidity make ETFs an attractive investment choice. Plus, research head Todd Rosenbluth points out that US ETF investors access international equities via ETFs.But for beginner investors, what does an ETF really mean? And are they the same in the US and Canada? These are some of the questions our roster of rated and certified financial advisors at AdvisorSavvy get from Canadians looking to invest. But if you’re in a rush? We’ll give you the lowdown on the best US ETFs in Canada with this article.Continue reading to learn more! What is an ETF? ETF stands for “exchange-traded fund.” It’s a pooled investment vehicle where multiple investors can invest money into a collection of stocks, bonds, or other asset classes managed by a company. That company charges a small management fee and decides how

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Read the Fine Print: What to Look for in Your Next Financing Agreement

What is the fine print? And does anyone actually read it? Unfortunately, not always! It is shocking how many people agree to terms and conditions without ever reading and understanding them fully. This may be easy to do in the short term, but you may run into unexpected problems in the long term. By always reading the fine print, you can avoid surprises down the road, especially when it comes to financing agreements. It may seem like a drag to read them at first. But the more you understand the common language, the easier it will be in the future. Continue reading to learn more about reading the fine print in financing agreements and what to watch out for. What does “read the fine print” mean? Read the fine print means to comprehend all the details. Not just the bolded, sales-y text, but the tiny print at the bottom too. A contract has a lot of information in it and

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How to Buy Bonds in Canada

In today’s diverse economic climate, there are a ton of investment options for interested individuals to choose from. Bonds are one of the options available to Canadians. Investing in bonds is still popular in Canada, especially since they are great vehicles to generate income while preserving capital. Buying bonds may seem the same as buying stocks but there are a few notable differences in how they function and are valuated.In Canada, you can buy bonds from the issuing party or through your brokerage account. Let’s look into how to buy bonds in Canada and the different types of bonds you can choose from for a successful investment below. Does Canada still sell bonds? Yes. Canadian residents can still invest in bonds and other similar investment vehicles. All levels of government, such as federal, municipal, and provincial, supply government bonds. You can also purchase corporate bonds. The federal government also supplies Treasury Bills, better known as T-Bills. On the other hand,

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Best Bond ETFs in Canada

People who want a low-entry barrier into certain markets often look towards ETF investments. There are many different types of ETFs, one of which invests primarily in bonds. By investing in bond ETFs in Canada, investors bypass the need to buy individual bonds and the risk associated with them.While it is often the easy way out, the bond ETF investment is not always foolproof. Due diligence is necessary when choosing the right ETF to add to your portfolio. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about investing in bond ETFs in Canada. At the end, we will recommend the best options for newbies and established investors.Journey with us! What is a bond ETF? To understand a bond ETF, we must first deconstruct the term ETF. This is short for “exchange-traded fund.” It operates similarly to a mutual fund in that it is a pooled investment security.The only difference is that it trades on centralized exchange platforms.

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20 Things to Do in Retirement

Retirement is a time everyone looks forward to. It’s the point in your life where you have paid your dues and established a comfortable world for yourself. Now you get to unwind, relax and enjoy the fruits of your labour. Simple enough, right? However, after the honeymoon phase of not having to go into work everyday, some people find they are lost. There’s very little structure to your day and you may not know what to do with your spare time. There may also be a lack of community around you which you were used to in the workplace. So, what are potential things to do in retirement?From travel to reading, keeping up with family and friends, to taking up new or old hobbies, there is surely something you can find to occupy your time! Continue reading to discover more things to do in retirement that are both cost effective and enjoyable. What do people do in retirement to keep

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Best Canadian Utilities ETFs

If you are looking to invest in a utility company, but don’t know which to choose, investing in Canadian utilities ETFs is a great decision.Utility companies are businesses that provide necessities like water, gas, telecommunication, and electricity. These companies are known to be secure and reliable due to the regular, consistent demand for the services they offer.Investing in Canadian utilities ETFs will allow you to track the total amount of all returns of the top utility companies in Canada. Let’s discover some of the best Canadian utilities ETFs to determine the best fit for your investment goals. What is a Canadian Utilities ETF? Utility ETFs are business shares in companies that provide services like natural gas, electricity, water, transportation services, telecommunications, and more. Canadian utilities ETFs are great income sources for any type of investment, financial account, or savings plan. While these utility ETFs are a steady source of income, some utilities are also known for producing growth opportunities. In

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US Bond ETF in Canada

When it comes to investments, there are loads of options to consider and choose from. While some investors want streamlined investments, others wish for a diverse portfolio. This is where the US Bond ETFs come in as one of the myriad options in the market.There are a ton of Canadian ETF options out there, but you may want to expand into the US market as well. By doing so, you’ll gain exposure to another North American market thereby diversifying the geographical risk in your investments. Continue reading to learn more about the US Bond ETF, how they work and the best investments available on the market! What is a US Bond ETF? “ETF” in the term “US Bond ETF” is short for exchange-traded fund. An ETF is a type of fund that is traded publicly on a stock exchange. Money from many investors is pooled and invested into assets. The other half of the term is bond. A bond is

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Types of ETFs in Canada

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are great entry points into the vast and volatile stock market. Especially because they allow you to spread out your risk and, at the same time, offer low expenses.However, there are many different types of ETFs. In fact, ETFs have become a popular investment idea in Canada which is why there are so many to choose from. This is where confusion sets in for newbies in the world of investing. Choosing an ETF becomes an overwhelming task with such a variety at your disposal. One thing to note is that each type of ETF exists to meet a specific investment need. This allows investors to choose the best investment vehicle to reach their goals effectively. Here, we’ll examine the different types of ETFs. Whether you’re new to investing or a seasoned investor, you’ll learn which ETF best suits your investment goals. What is an ETF? An exchange-traded fund, better known as an ETF, is a type of

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Buy Now, Pay Later: What You Need to Know

Buy now pay later is an old style of making purchases that has found new life. The rise of online shopping, the COVID-19 pandemic, and ease of use drive its increased popularity. Buy now pay later has become a very accessible method for making almost any purchase. In some ways, it has become the preferred method of payment over credit cards and other similar types of financing. With online shopping carts offering this payment method at almost every purchase and store. You may want to know more about buy now pay later before you use it. Everything you need to know can be found in this guide! If you are struggling with debt you may benefit from reading, Canada Debt: How much is too much? What is buy now pay later? Buy now pay later lets consumers finance purchases over a short period of time. It is a form of credit, usually offered at the time of purchase through online

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Canada Bank Failure: A Brief History

Canada has a historically strong banking system. From 2000 to present, there have been zero bank failures. In the United States of America, there have been over 500 bank failures since 2000.For this reason, many are curious about potential Canada bank failure given the tumultuousness of our southern neighbors. The Bank of Canada started operations in 1935 and the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC) was founded in 1967. There have been significant protections put in place by these entities. This ensures economic stability within Canada’s financial sector. In addition, the regulation prevents Canada bank failure. The “Big Five” banks absorb or merge with failing smaller banks prior to their collapse in many instances. Canada has avoided many bank failures this way. Furthermore, Canada and its population tend to value larger, central, and more stable banks. In fact, they prefer it over smaller, regional financial services. For the few banks failures Canada has had, the CDIC has been able to step

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Self-Employed Home Office Tax Deduction in Canada

A lot of people are self-employed and choose to work remotely from their home offices. For Canadians, there’s more to the flexibility and ease of remote work – the self-employed home office tax deduction in Canada. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) allows self-employed people to take a deduction from their home office expenses. This benefit reduces the total amount of tax paid every year. However, there are rules to follow if you don’t want your tax claim to be denied. In addition, there are several eligible expenses the CRA allows you to use in a home office tax deduction. Generally speaking, if you have a dedicated workspace in your home, there’s a good possibility for a claim of the self-employed home office tax deduction in Canada. Continue reading to understand if you’re eligible and how much you can claim! What is the self-employed home office tax deduction in Canada? A home office tax deduction is an amount that reduces your

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How to Avoid Lifestyle Creep

What do you do when you get a new job that pays more? Or a raise in your current job? Do you hang onto your old budget and put the extra cash in your savings account? Or do you treat yourself to the finer things in life you always wanted but couldn’t afford? It’s natural to want to celebrate and reward yourself for doing better. Although, you may take it too far and wonder how to avoid lifestyle creep. Did you plan how you would use you new salary? Did you prioritize your savings and financial goals? Or have you been trying to keep up with the Joneses — going on more trips than you can safely afford; eating out more often than you used to. Perhaps you’re buying designer clothes and renting a more expensive apartment, or upgrading your car?If this is you, it may be that you’re experiencing lifestyle creep. Keep reading to learn how to avoid it

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