Advisorsavvy Blog

How To Retire Early In Canada

In order to retire early, you need to assess what you need your retirement savings to do and what you want your money to do. Necessary funds include those that cover your basic living expenses.

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Tips On How To Save Money

Maximizing financial resources to make ends meet, save money, and live better is a big priority for most of us. However, that’s easy to say but sometimes harder to do for many Canadians.

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Filing For Bankruptcy In Canada

For many people, the pile of debt under becomes so high that it’s hard to see a way of getting it under control. When that happens, when it becomes too much, when you no longer have access to credit and your income is not enough to manage the debt – it’s time to file for bankruptcy.

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How To Fix RRSP Over-Contributions

A Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is one of the best ways to save for retirement. It offers so many long- and short-term benefits. However, it’s important to understand exactly how much contribution room you have in any given year.

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What Is An RESP And How Does It Work?

Funding post-secondary education in Canada is becoming more and more costly. Long gone are the days when working a summer job paid for a year of school. If higher education is in your future, ideally you or your family invest in an RESP — and have been for a while.

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What Is The Lifelong Learning Plan?

RRSPs exist as a way to help Canadians save for the future. And as an added bonus, it shelters your income in a savings vehicle the government doesn’t touch until you’re ready to retire. However, what if you want penalty-free access to the money before then? The Lifelong Learning Plan is one way to safely unlock those funds.

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What Is A Spousal RRSP?

Are you one of the all-too-rare, but lucky, people with a solid pension waiting for you in retirement? For those of us who aren’t so lucky, it’s wise to start investing in RRSPs as soon as work-life begins.

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How To Invest In Stocks

The stock market can feel like a vast abyss into which you throw your hard-earned money. And, it can be hard to decide how best to invest, much less the best stocks to choose from.

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How Much Money Do I Need To Retire In Canada?

If you are like most people, you have been looking forward to retirement for the better part of your career. We know that planning for retirement is an important part of any financial plan. But what we don’t necessarily know is how much money we need to retire in Canada, comfortably.

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