Advisorsavvy Blog

Investment Management Fees: A Complete Guide

Can you hire someone to invest for you? You sure can! There is, however, a cost for this kind of service, better known as investment management fees. Before paying for financial advice, it’s helpful to understand how these investment costs work. By the end of this guide, you’ll have an understanding of how to approach investment management fees in Canada. What are investment fees? Investment fees are the costs incurred when using financial products. Sometimes this could be financial advisor fees or it could be costs to use an online platform. In addition, there are many kinds of investment fees, such as broker fees, trading fees, and commission fees. Normally, reasonable investment fees are incurred to turn a profit on the use of financial products. For this reason, considering fee structures is an important step in any investment decision. Otherwise, the fees you pay may cut into your profits significantly. But remember: fees aren’t the only aspect to consider when

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Best Cryptocurrency ETFs in Canada for 2024

The cryptocurrency industry has exploded in popularity recently, and many crypto assets have been growing dramatically. Unfortunately, purchasing cryptocurrency involves a bit of work, and can be complex to buy in some cases. However, there is a way of participating in the crypto space without having to trade any yourself, and that is through a cryptocurrency ETF. These mimic the price of cryptocurrency and are much simpler to buy and trade than the crypto asset itself. There are a number of cryptocurrency ETFs in Canada that make it easy to get involved in the growth of this blossoming industry. But which ones should you consider investing in? Our guide takes you through some of the best cryptocurrency ETF options on the market, and how you can start investing. What are ETFs? Before we go any further, it’s important to understand what an ETF is. ETF stands for exchange-traded fund. It’s a pooled investment that works similar to a mutual fund,

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How Estate and Inheritance Taxes Work in Canada

Part of getting older is planning what will happen to your estate when you pass away. Most people want to ensure their loved ones do not have to deal with a financial burden upon death. After all, grieving is a difficult enough process on its own. You may be wondering if there is an inheritance tax in Canada. In short, there is no specific inheritance tax in Canada, but taxes on an estate may still be applicable when you pass on. If you’re on the receiving end of an inheritance, you may also be curious about the effect on your personal taxes. So, let’s answer some of your biggest questions about how estate taxes and inheritance works in Canada. What is an estate? An estate is an individual’s collection of assets at the time of death. For example, this could include savings, real estate, artwork, or any other asset of value. These assets are distributed according to the person’s will.

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Best Pet Insurance In Canada

According to an Abacus Data survey from 2021, 56% of Canadians say they have at least one pet in their household*. And, unsurprisingly, when asked if their pet(s) brought joy into their lives, a near-unanimous 98% of respondents said yes. We Canadians love our animals and want them to thrive and continue to be important family members for as long as possible. One way to help protect your companion, and ensure that an emergency or illness won’t cause financial worry? Pet insurance — in Canada, there are plenty of places to find a great policy that works for you. Scroll down to learn more about this type of insurance, what it generally covers, the cost, and our picks for the best pet insurance in Canada. How much do pet owners spend on their pets in Canada? Food. Toys. Treats. Paw protectors. Beds. Little sweaters. Raise your hand if you spoil your cat, dog, or other pet? Let’s not also forget

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Best Gold ETFs in Canada for 2024

Investing in gold has long been a popular way for people to diversify their portfolios and safely grow their hard-earned money. However, many people may not be aware of exactly how to invest in gold. While there are a few ways, one of the best and simplest is to invest in a gold exchange-traded fund (ETF). Gold ETFs are funds that consist of gold and operate like traditional stocks that can be bought, sold, and traded on various exchanges. This guide is going to look at the best gold ETFs in Canada, and help you learn more about investing in gold. Is gold a good investment in Canada? In general, the answer is yes. There are a few reasons why gold is (and has long been) a good investment in Canada. First of all, it is a long-term store of value. Investors can have peace of mind knowing that the investment will rise over time. It performs very well in

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Best Monthly Dividend Stocks In Canada For 2024

Investing and (some degree of) risk go hand in hand. Any stock or fund can rise or fall, and investing can feel like a world full of uncertainty. However, one way to mitigate some of these risks is to invest in monthly dividend stocks. But what are the best monthly dividend stocks in Canada for your money? Dividend investing is a popular strategy for both new and experienced investors alike. It is one of the few ways of guaranteeing consistent returns/income when investing your hard-earned money. In this guide, we look at some of the monthly dividend stocks in Canada worth your consideration. What are dividend stocks? Before we go over our best monthly dividend stock picks, it is a good idea to review dividend stocks. For starters, dividends are regular payments that a company will make to their stockholders. Essentially, it’s a way for companies to share profits with their investors. Dividend payments occur as either cash or additional

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Car Insurance In Canada: A Complete Guide

Insurance is largely seen as one of those “glad to have it, hope I don’t need it” types of expenses. As we like to say, insurance isn’t about paranoia, it’s about protection. But for car insurance in Canada, specifically? Well, you actually NEED to have it, by law. Driving a car is an essential part of everyday life for many Canadians. In fact, there were over 35 million total vehicle registrations in 2019. As you can imagine, that’s a whole lot of potential accidents. Between daily commuting, road trips, and running errands, you want to make sure your car and the people in it are going to be covered if anything happens. Let’s look at car insurance in Canada, what coverage you need, and how to find a policy that works for you. What is car insurance? Insurance is an agreement, that should you need it, your insurer will cover the costs associated with illness, damage, or losses. In exchange,

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GST/HST Credit: A Complete Guide

We Canadians are a lucky bunch. We have access to a variety of government resources and benefits. Moreover, Canada’s tax system is designed to redistribute wealth across the nation. One of the most common tax benefits available? The GST/HST tax credit. Administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), this benefit supports low to moderate-income families. In this article, we look at how to enroll, payment amounts, and corresponding provincial/territorial programs. What is the GST/HST credit? As mentioned above, the GST/HST credit is a federal tax benefit. It’s available to individuals and families with low to modest incomes. The purpose of the GST/HST tax credit is to help taxpayers offset the sales tax they pay. The benefit is paid quarterly. Related Reading: Guide To Tax Credits —How To Get A Bigger Tax Refund What is the difference between GST and HST? Both GST and HST are sales taxes. This means it’s charged on the sale of most goods and services sold

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Best Free Tax Software In Canada

Tax season. Time to get out your financial records, turn off Netflix for an evening, and file your taxes. Are you prepared? Even more, are you looking for free income tax software in Canada? If so, this guide is definitely for you! Before getting into the best options for income tax software in Canada, let’s cover some of the basics of Canadian taxes you need to know. Who has to file taxes in Canada? The short answer is that everyone has to file taxes in Canada. However, personal taxes are only one aspect of the Canadian taxation system. Here are all entities that should file taxes annually with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA): Related Reading: Marginal Tax vs Average Tax: Understanding Canadian Tax Brackets What is the deadline for filing taxes? The deadlines vary based on the entity. Here are all the deadlines for filing and paying taxes in Canada. Tax Return Filing Deadline Payment Deadline T1 Income Tax Return

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Best Canadian ETFs For 2024

When deciding which investment tool makes the most sense for you, it’s important to understand all of the available options. But, there is a lot to know. Learning the difference between a mutual fund and an ETF, for example, means you can choose the best option for you today, and into the future.

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What Is A Consumer Proposal?

Financial troubles happen. You might not be expecting them, but life happens. And if it feels like you’re alone in it, you’re most certainly not. A recent survey from Equifax found that the average Canadian’s debt is sitting at just over $20,000. When you’re in over your head, and cannot shake your debt, it’s likely that the first thing you’ll think of is bankruptcy. But there’s an alternative that’ll stop creditor phone calls and put you on the path to rebuilding. Meet consumer proposals. What is a consumer proposal? Consumer proposals are an often-overlooked alternative to bankruptcy. In a nutshell, it’s a negotiated settlement with creditors. With a professional, you’ll negotiate a manageable monthly payment schedule (typically over a one- to five-year period) so your creditors are able to recover at least some of what they’re owed. Consumer proposals do not involve your assets/possessions, though they do affect your credit score. They’re also a legal process that will stop creditor

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Best Cash Back Credit Cards in Canada

Credit cards are how many Canadians buy everything from groceries to new clothes to dinners out, and everything in between. While there are many types of credit cards out there, one of the best is surely cash back credit cards. Getting a portion of what you spend back is a huge benefit! But what is the best cashback credit card in Canada? After all, just about every financial institution will offer one. This guide takes a closer look at cash back credit cards and explores some of the best options in Canada. What is a cash back credit card? A cash back credit card is a certain type of rewards card. It allows you to earn cash back on some purchases. They are very simple to understand, and you will simply earn a percentage of what you spend back. Typical amounts are 3%, 2%, or even 0.5%, it all depends on the particular card you decide to get. These are

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What Is The Stock Market And How Does It Work? A Beginner’s Guide

No matter where you are in your investing journey, you’ve likely common across the stock market. Perhaps a friend, coworker, or family member mentioned it to you in passing. If you’re new to the stock market, making your first purchase might be a bit terrifying. We believe it doesn’t have to be, which is why we created this beginner’s guide. Below, we tackle the basics —including the stock market in Canada — and how to open your own account. What is a stock market? A stock market is a platform that facilitates the purchase and sale of stocks between interested parties. This could include individuals, institutions, or other companies. In any given market, the transaction regularly takes place between an investor and an investor. In other words, the company is not selling you the stock directly. When was the stock market created? Many events led to the birth of the first stock market. In the 1300s, Venetian lenders began to

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Best Rewards Credit Cards In Canada

Having a rewards credit card is a great way to get something in return for the many things you buy every day on a credit card. You can earn fantastic rewards, deals, and benefits simply by shopping normally at many of your favourite stores. However, with nearly every bank offering its own rewards card, it can be hard to choose which is the best for you. While you may think that all of these rewards programs are created equally, that is not the case. Some pale in comparison to others when it comes to what type of rewards you can get, how many rewards you get, and how long it takes to get them. If you want to learn more about some of the very best rewards credit cards in Canada, you’ve come to the right place. This guide is going to go over some of the best, and help you choose which is right for you. What is a

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How To File Self-Employed Taxes In Canada

Self-employed individuals contribute a lot to Canada. Without them — all 2.6 million of them — we wouldn’t have the boutique shops or customized services we know and love. Are you self-employed? You probably enjoy the freedom of your job and pursuing your passion. On the contrary, you might wince at the thought of tax season. Compared to an employed individual, annual returns are more taxing – pun intended! Not where to start with filing your self-employed income tax in Canada? Our guide answers your top questions. Personal tax: types of employment in Canada In Canada, there are various types of employment. The distinction is important because it affects how to calculate your tax payable. Before diving into personal taxation, let’s review the definition of self-employed for tax purposes versus an employee:  How it Works: Self-employed Taxes in Canada  Self-employed individuals must track their income and expenses. The great thing about being self-employed is that expenses are deducted against income. On

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What Is The Best Bank In Canada?

Deciding where to do your banking is a big decision. It’s where you will keep your hard-earned money, and that is a lot of trust to put in an institution. Whether banking online or going into a branch, you will be interacting with this bank plenty of times. To ensure you have the best experience possible, you want to choose the best bank. But what is the best bank in Canada? Well, that is exactly what this guide is going to take a closer look at. Keep reading to learn more about the best banks in Canada, and how to choose the right one for your needs. Canada’s banking system: an overview Before we take a closer look at the best banks in the country, it is important to understand the basics of the Canadian banking system. The banking system in Canada is often seen as one of the safest in the world and is very accessible. In fact, according

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How Long To Keep Financial Records In Canada

What do you do when you get a credit card statement? Take a quick look and either delete it or toss it in the recycling? What about when you’re ready to roll up to your accountant’s office. Do you have a few folders with neatly-stacked stapled receipts or a shoebox of wrinkled papers you had to scramble around to find in the first place? You might even have your own system worked out for your financial records, proudly declaring that there’s a ‘method to your madness.’ Whether you stick to paper records, have migrated to folders in the cloud, or use a hybrid system, there are guidelines for both what financial documents to keep and for how long. Get your paper stacks ready and plug in your shredder! Let’s look at how long you need to keep financial records, and what you can recycle. One thing to keep in mind: If you’re a business owner, your guidelines might be a

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What is Cryptocurrency? A Beginner’s Guide

If you’ve been paying attention to finance or technology news lately, you’ve likely heard about cryptocurrencies of one kind or another. You might also be asking yourself what exactly are cryptocurrencies, and what sort of benefits and features do they have. In an effort to help you understand a little more about the space, this article serves as a beginner’s guide. Learn how they work, pros and cons, and the basic steps of investing or buying cryptocurrency. What is cryptocurrency? The answer to “what is cryptocurrency?” can be a difficult one. In simple terms, cryptocurrency is a decentralized type of digital currency. Cryptocurrency doesn’t require a centralized authority (like a bank or government) to circulate. It is sent, traded, bought, sold, and used securely. Cryptocurrency is secured by cryptography. This ensures these cryptocurrencies cannot be double-spent by accident or counterfeit. You can use cryptocurrency to buy and sell things, but many people use them today as vehicles for investments, instead.

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When To Teach Kids About Money

“I just want my child to succeed,” is probably something almost every parent has said at one time or another. And a big part of setting up a solid foundation is by teaching your kids about money. Now, you certainly don’t have to get them investing when they’re still in diapers. But the fact of the matter is, money kinda really does make the world go-’round —and schools are only just starting to include basic financial skills into their curriculum. Chances are, your entire k-12 school experience didn’t cover the basics, let alone information like investing or mortgages. Weaving money management lessons into everyday life can give your kids a foundational understanding of concepts like saving and smart budgeting. Financial literacy, for the win! Let’s look at age-appropriate financial lessons for kids, and how you can integrate these into your daily activities. What is financial literacy? The simplest definition of financial literacy? Knowing how to manage your money. But you

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Best Chequing Accounts In Canada

A chequing account is an easy place to deposit and withdraw money for your day-to-day life. It’s great for daily transactions, paying bills, sending money, and making payments. This guide outlines some of the best chequing accounts in Canada, and how you can choose the right one for you. What is a chequing account, and what do I use it for? As mentioned above, a chequing account is essentially a deposit account that allows people to easily and quickly withdraw and deposit money for whatever they need. Many people get their paychecks deposited into their chequing account, and many use it to pay their bills, pay off their credit cards, withdraw cash, and more. You may also be wondering whether chequing accounts earn interest. Chequing accounts often don’t pay interest, but there are some that do — although the interest is often less than savings accounts. If your chequing account pays you interest, that money earned will indeed be taxable.

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