Advisorsavvy Blog

Canada Home Equity Line of Credit

A Home Equity Line of Credit, or HELOC for short, is an increasingly popular option for Canadians looking to access the value of their homes without having to go through mortgage refinancing. HELOCs offer maximum flexibility with low interest rates, letting you control just how much money is borrowed when it’s accessed, and for what purpose. A HELOC can be used for a variety of purposes, such as debt consolidation or home improvements. The only requirement for a Canada home equity line of credit is that you own a property with equity. Let’s take a look at the features and benefits offered by this unique home loan solution — our guide to Canada home equity line of credit has everything you need to know! What is a home equity line of credit in Canada? Canada’s home equity line of credit is a useful, flexible financial tool. It allows homeowners to access the equity in their homes by taking out a

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Is it better to buy physical gold or ETFs?

Inflation dwindles cash savings over time, so investing is paramount for financial freedom. But with so many investment options, it becomes difficult to pinpoint the right ones. Of course, you can’t put all your eggs in one basket. That’s where diversification comes in, to minimize risk and protect your investment portfolio. As you consider investments, you may have come across physical gold and gold ETFs. Two wildly different options, yet both with unique risks and benefits. So, is it better to buy physical gold or ETFs in the gold industry? In this article, we’ll uncover the difference between ETFs and real gold as investments to help you decide which might be more ideal in your portfolio. What is the difference between gold and gold ETFs? Gold is one of the world’s most precious metals, found all over the world in hot rocks, quartz veins, and gravel deposits. It becomes heavy with weight, but it’s one of the most malleable metals,

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5 Best Canadian Silver Stocks

With the silver market on the rise, many savvy investors are looking for ways to get involved and capitalize on its potential. Whether you are new or experienced in investing, it’s important to consider what type of vehicle will give you the best returns, as well as which companies have a successful track record when it comes to mining silver. With Canada being one of the world’s leading producers of silver, finding stocks that offer long-term growth opportunities can be a smart move. In this post, we’ll explore some of the best Canadian silver stocks worth checking out right now. Related Reading: Is it better to buy physical gold or ETFs? The Value of Silver Today Silver has been used around the world for thousands of years and its value persists to this day. People have used it to make jewelry, coins, utensils, utility parts, and much more. Silver is also an ideal industrial metal due to its low cost,

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5 Canadian Healthcare ETFs

For investors looking to take advantage of the tailwinds of Canada’s world-renowned healthcare system, investing in Canadian Healthcare ETFs may be an attractive option. In recent years, ETFs have become increasingly popular as investors seek to benefit from the sector’s stability and growth potential. We’ll discuss the benefits and drawbacks of investing in a Canadian Healthcare ETF below so you can make an informed decision about whether this type of investment is right for your portfolio. What are ETFs? Exchange Traded Funds, or ETFs, are a type of security that tracks an underlying asset such as stocks, bonds, commodities or even a specific sector. ETFs differ from traditional mutual funds in that they are traded throughout the day on stock exchanges. In addition, ETFs offer investors access to many different assets within one financial product. Unlike mutual funds, ETFs do not have a net-asset value (NAV) calculated daily but trade at market prices which may be higher or lower than

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Minimum Wage in Canada

The minimum wage is meant to ensure a baseline pay that supports a minimum lifestyle — food, basic utilities and shelter, at the very least. Since the cost of living varies so greatly across Canada’s provinces and territories, the minimum wage isn’t uniform across the country.Additionally, minimum wage increases here and there with inflation, but usually not enough to keep up with it.So, the question becomes, what is the minimum wage in Canada by province? Continue reading to learn more in this guide! The minimum wage in Canada by Province Until recently, the Canadian government allowed provinces and territories to set their own minimum wages. In December 2021, Canada announced a federal minimum wage. Although it only applied to workers in federally regulated private sectors, like transportation, banks, and postal services. On April 1, 2022, Canada increased the federal minimum wage to $15.55 per hour. Remember, this minimum doesn’t apply to workers in non-federally regulated industries unless the provincial minimum

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Average Canadian Net Worth

How do you know if you’re doing well financially? Maybe you have a home to your name that’s appreciating in value. Or perhaps you rent and live in the city but make all your car loans, credit card, and rent payments on time. Both sound like good financial pictures, but knowing your net worth helps you see the bigger picture. Net worth acts like a bird’s eye view of your personal financial landscape. So, what’s the average Canadian net worth? We’ll talk a close look in this article. Related Reading: Gross Income vs Net Income in Canada: What’s the Difference? What is Net Worth? Net worth is the value of all your assets minus the value of all your liabilities. Assets most commonly include: Your assets might include physical possessions as well, like cars, jewelry, art, and furniture. Of course, your $19.99 tablecloth isn’t typically included in the calculation of net worth. Liabilities refer to all your debt. This includes:

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8 Best Free Bank Accounts in Canada

Are you looking for a bank account with no monthly fees and little to no transaction fees? If so, you need to check out the 8 best free bank accounts in Canada. Whether you’re just starting out, or have been managing your finances for years, these options offer competitive interest rates and reliable services that can take your finances to the next level. In this blog post, we’ll provide an overview of some of the top banks providing free daily banking accounts in Canada. Read on to learn more about their features and perks. What is a “Free” Bank Account in Canada? In Canada, a “free” bank account is one that does not have any monthly fees. Unfortunately, banking is never 100% free as there is a cost to pay to use their services. That said, there are often other fees associated with free accounts. Such as Interac e-Transfer fees, currency conversion fees, and ATM withdrawal fees (if you use

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Does Your Debt Die with You in Canada?

You might create a will to ensure your estate is well-managed and dispersed after you die. But what happens to your debt? Does your debt die with you in Canada? Or will your family receive a large mortgage bill or collection calls along with their childhood home?Hopefully, you have enough money in your savings, assets, and estate to take care of your debt. However, Canada’s laws have a few paths for debt after death depending on who it belongs to and how long it’s been since you’ve had it. Are you worried about debt after death? The first step is awareness. Don’t worry — your inheritors won’t have to manage your debt if you’re vigilant in your estate planning and repayments.With this guide, we’ll help you learn the ins and outs of debt upon death in Canada. How long until debt is written off in Canada? After browsing the odd news clipping or blog article, you might say, 6 years.

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How to Write a Cheque in Canada

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you needed to issue a cheque but weren’t exactly sure how to go about doing it correctly? Writing a cheque may sound like an antiquated method of payment, but believe it or not, this form of payment is still used by many individuals and businesses across Canada. In fact, it remains to be one of the cheapest methods of payment! To ensure that your financial transactions are processed without any delays or complications, learning the basics of how to write a cheque in Canada is a valuable lesson. In this blog post, we will provide you with the essential steps on how to write a valid cheque in Canada. Read on if you want to take control of your finances and make every penny count! What is a cheque? A cheque is a document that instructs a bank to pay a specific amount of money from a person or business’ account

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7 Best Gold Stocks in Canada

As the price of gold continues to rise, investors are looking for the best way to buy this precious metal. One option is to invest in gold stocks. However, there are also gold ETFs and physical gold. Investing in gold stocks can be a great way to add diversity to your portfolio and protect yourself from market volatility. But with so many options available, it can be hard to know which ones are the best. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the best gold stocks in Canada and explore why they might be worth investing in. If you’re thinking about adding some gold stocks to your portfolio, keep reading for some helpful tips! What are gold stocks in Canada? Gold stocks are shares of businesses that revolve around mining and selling gold. Physical forms of gold, such as bullions, coins, or jewelry, are not what you’re investing in when you put your money into a

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Personal Financial Planning for Every Generation

Every life event requires time, money, and financial planning to tie everything together.A life event could be anything from buying a home to getting married and starting a family to partaking in a dream vacation. But here’s the thing: your Excel budget sheet isn’t enough to adequately cover financial planning. Plus, personal financial planning looks different depending on your generational status. Don’t know where to start? Keep reading — we’ll cover personal financial planning for baby boomers, millennials, Gen Z, and Gen X. The goal is financial freedom, and personal financial planning helps you get there.Learn more below! What is personal financial planning? Personal financial planning is creating strategies and plans to align your financial scenario with your life goals. It covers everything from day-to-day budgeting, savings targets, investments, real estate, debt management, and long-term desires. Why is learning about personal financial planning important? Learning about personal financial planning promotes overall well-being. For instance, Forbes tells us that financial health

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How to Retire Without a Pension in Canada

Pensions are a powerful tool when it comes to retirement, but what if you don’t have one? Is it possible to retire without a pension? These are all great questions to ask yourself when preparing a financial plan for retirement. Fortunately, it is possible to retire without a pension in Canada, but you may have to do some additional planning and preparation compared to your peers who have a pension. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to retire without a pension in Canada including the resources available and extra steps to take to ensure your retirement fund is sufficient. Does every Canadian get a pension? In terms of a workplace pension, the answer is no, not every Canadian receives or is entitled to one. Not all employers are required to provide a pension to their employees. Instead, offering a pension to employees is a choice of the company. With that said, workplace pensions are common across certain industries, but

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Estate Taxes in Canada

A death in the family is a difficult experience to endure on its own. Additionally, financial implications make the situation even more of a burden to handle. That’s right — someone has to manage the affairs of the estate when someone passes on. Inheritance wishes and tax obligations can clash, families argue due to the emotionally charged situation, and sometimes, people feel confused about how to proceed with the estate once someone passes.Curious about how estate taxes in Canada work? We’ll help illuminate some of your obligations by describing estate taxes in Canada, what to expect, and how to file your estate tax return. Are there estate taxes in Canada? Here’s the good news: Canada doesn’t have a dedicated estate or inheritance tax on the federal or provincial levels. Only a few states in the US impose taxes like these, like Hawaii, Connecticut, Vermont, and New York, which is why Canadians sometimes believe there is an estate tax.On the contrary,

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Investment Ideas in Canada

As an investor, there are a variety of opportunities available to you in Canada to grow your wealth. Whether you’re looking for stable income investments or growth-oriented options, this country has something to offer everyone. In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the best investment ideas in Canada right now. So, whether you’re a seasoned investor or a beginner exploring your options, read on for inspiration! Investing in Canada: An Overview Canada is a great place to invest considering it’s reliable economy and opportunity for growth. The country has a strong banking system and a well-developed infrastructure. Thereby making it an attractive destination for foreign and local investors alike. In addition, there is a plethora of investment ideas in Canada that you can access. Let’s take a closer look at investing basics in Canada before we get into investment ideas. Why is investing important? Investing is an important part of financial planning. It can play a pivotal

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5 Best Green Energy Stocks in Canada

As the world becomes increasingly conscious of climate change and the environment, it’s important to invest in stocks of companies that prioritize sustainability. This is especially true if you’re passionate about environmental issues. Investing in what you believe in is important! Luckily for Canadian investors, there are a number of excellent green energy investments to choose from. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the best green energy stocks in Canada. If you’re looking to make your portfolio more sustainable, be sure to read on! What is green energy? Green energy refers to any form of renewable energy that is produced and consumed with minimal impact to the environment. This includes a wide range of sources, including solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower, and biomass. Solar power is the most well-known sustainable resource, as it captures and distributes energy from the sun’s rays. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy of wind into mechanical or electrical power. Geothermal energy

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Group RRSP: What to Know

Group RRSPs are a great way to save for retirement. If you’re part of a group of employees who want to join together to save for retirement, a group RRSP might be the right option for you. Often, group RRSPs are set up by an employer as a part of your employment benefits. Perhaps you’re here to learn more about how they work before enrolling. In this article, we’ll discuss what group RRSPs are and how they work. We’ll also look at some of the benefits of using a group RRSP. What is a group RRSP? A group Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is a savings vehicle. It combines the experience of investing with your peers and the administrative ease of an employer-sponsored plan. It functions as an employer-sponsored retirement plan, allowing employees to jointly contribute and control their collective investment strategies to maximize their retirement income. The contributions are pre-tax, which means that tax deductions are immediate. Thereby allowing

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Eligible vs. Non-Eligible Dividends

Canadians have two main sources of income they must declare and pay taxes on. Income from employment or self-employment are the most common. But another type of income is dividends, which is a form of investment income. In Canada, there are eligible vs non-eligible dividends and each has its own tax implications. Do you have a few Apple or Tesla stocks? Or maybe blue-chip stocks, shares in stable businesses like banks?Every month, quarter or year, you might earn dividends on your shares. Depending on the size of your portfolio and what kinds of stocks you own, the amount of dividends you earn can vary a lot. Here’s the thing: dividends are taxable. We’ll walk you through eligible and non-eligible dividends, what you owe for taxes, and how to avoid paying as much of those taxes as possible. Let’s start with the basics: What is a dividend? A dividend is a lump sum profit you earn from your owned shares in

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Best Dog Insurance in Canada

Dogs are a source of companionship and love for many families in Canada. In fact, dogs are often considered a member of the family. Although, they are expensive to care for, which is why it’s important to have the best dog insurance possible. In addition, insurance for your canine companion can ensure you are able to cover the cost of any illnesses or accidents which can rack up to a few thousand dollars. This article will explore some of the top options for dog insurance in Canada. It will also provide tips on how to choose the right policy for your furry friend. So, if you’re looking for the best protection for your pooch, keep reading! What is dog insurance in Canada? In Canada, dog insurance is a type of pet insurance that helps to cover the cost of your dog’s medical care. Like other types of pet insurance, dog insurance plans typically have a monthly premium and a deductible.

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What is the average annual income in Canada?

Income varies greatly from person to person in Canada. According to a 2020 study by Statista, the median household income in Canada was $96,220. However, this number can be deceiving as it does not account for the vast wealth and poverty that exists across the country. Some earn well below this amount while others earn well above it which can skew the data. So what is the average annual income in Canada? In order to get a better understanding of how average Canadians fare financially, we need to take a closer look at the data. Read on to learn the ins and outs of average annual incomes in Canada! What is the average annual income in Canada? The average hourly wage for a Canadian household was $36.28 in 2020 for a full-time employee. When you multiply that by 8 hours, the average daily wage comes to $290.20, or weekly it’s around $1,451. Therefore, the average bi-weekly salary is about $2,902

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10 Best Mutual Funds Canada

If you’re looking for a solid investment option to begin your investment journey or diversify your portfolio, mutual funds are a great choice. With so many different funds to choose from, it can be tricky to know which ones are the best, especially if you’re new to mutual funds. Here is a list of the 10 best mutual funds in Canada, based on performance and stability. If you’re ready to start investing, be sure to check out one or more of these funds! What is a mutual fund? A mutual fund is an investment vehicle that pools money from numerous investors. The funds are used to invest in a portfolio of securities. These can include stocks, bonds, and other assets. Mutual funds are managed by a professional money manager who makes decisions about where to invest the funds. The fund’s performance is dependent on the performance of the underlying securities. Mutual funds offer investors several advantages. They provide diversification, which

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